MUS-M 527-14849
 Symphonic Literature (3 cr)

Time: Tu/Th 8:40-9:55A • Room: M 344
Instructor: Prof. Giovanni Zanovello (

Course description:
In this class we will survey the history of the symphony, one of the most iconic genres of Western music. During its history, the symphony and its orchestra has adapted and evolved, engaging more and more with the surrounding cultural and literary history. In addition to surveying the historical narrative, we will analyze twelve significant works in detail and focus on a number of material and philosophical aspects of symphonic music making. The class time will involve a moderate amount of lecturing, class discussion, and musical listening.

Prerequisites: MUS-T 508 and MUS-M 542, or equivalents by examination

Textbooks: TBA

Grading: Only the students who come to class, do the assigned homework by the deadline, and take all the tests will earn a passing grade for this class. Grading will be based on the Midterm and Final in-class exams, with extra points given for class participation. The class participation grade will also include presentations and weekly writing. Finally, it will be possible to increase your grade by completing an optional research project.